Venice Art Biennale 2022 – New Zealand Pavilion

Artist Yuki Kihara presents a multi disciplinary work in Paradise Camp, from the unique perspective of Fa‘afafine a third gender in Sāmoa. Paradise Camp comprises of twelve photographs in saturated colour that upcycle paintings by Paul Gauguin; a “talk show” video projection with a group of Fa‘afafine discuss the Gauguin paintings and Kihara’s personal research archive. Kihara’s audacious re-enactments address intersectionality between decolonisation, identity politics, and climate crisis from a staunchly Pasifika perspective, telling their story from the Pacific.

To bring the sunny Paradise Camp to Venice, ArtAV provided a 12,000 lumen Epson laser projector. Suspended from the rafters of the Arsenale building where the New Zealand pavilion shared the hall, the projector showed the video aspect of Paradise Camp displayed on a floating 50/50 screen where audience members could hear and see the discussions from the work wherever they were in the ‘camp’. A BrightSign Media player played the work, the simple player being an ideal solution that started and looped once it had power each morning. Fohhn LX-11 speakers were used; the small yet powerful speaker was ideal to remain discrete in the space and not divert one's attention from the visual aesthetic but to amplify it.

ArtAV worked closely with the Artist and Curatorial team to supply a low-key and low-maintenance lighting solution that was able to bring the sunshine indoors. Using a combination of gallery LED wash and spotlights on a bespoke lighting rig installed specifically for the exhibition the install team highlighted and allowed the work to shine as Kihara wanted.


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