Video Art Countdown Screen

Video Art is unique, unlike paintings or sculpture video art has the ability to have a beginning, middle and end.

When a video artist wants to tell a story with a definitive start and end there needs to be some indication for the audience as to when that is. With ArtAV's Video Art Countdown Screens we offer a neat customisable solution that allows the audience to engage with your art at the right moment.

The screens are frameless thus can be integrated into gallery walls offering a slick stylish solution without altering the aesthetic of the room.

The countdown itself can be as simple or as complex as you need.  From a traditional clock countdown to a traffic light system the design is entirely your choice.

The Countdown screen can be used in conjunction with one of our synchronised playback systems keeping it in absolute time with the work. See our synchronised playback system page for more information on how they work.


Video Art Countdown Screen


A traditional countdown can be used to let audiences know when the work will begin.


The countdown screen can be customised to your content.