Gymnasium Gallery – Gemma Burditt – The Art of Milk – March 2017

March took us to Berwick-upon-Tweed to install, animator and filmmaker, Gemma Burditt’s The Art of Milk at The Gymnasium Gallery. Gemma spent 6 months as an artist in residence while doing her research, through the Northumbrian dairy association. This piece focuses on the life of dairy farmers and the practical and economic challenges they face on a day to day basis.

The result, a four metre wide animation spanning the Gymnasium Gallery, that shows how dairy farmers have evolved and adapted through the years with the development of higher demands and newer technologies.

The install required a 4m wide projection that was only 40cm in height and sat flush to the wall. To achieve this we used a custom screen that was fixed directly to the wall. Using two Canon WUX6010 projectors with their built in edge blending software combined with our custom 4K edge blending playback system we created the stunning ultra wide projection on the screen.

The work has been fantastically well recieved and maybe exhibited again later in the year. Please keep an eye out on our social media for further updates.

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